11 top tips for organising you and your law firm

One of the reasons law firms often reach out to a legal virtual assistant like me is that they’re struggling to keep on top of their admin, processes and organisation. It’s understandable – there are only so many hours in a day and casework is always going to end up taking priority over organising your law firm.

However, you’d be amazed at how much time you could save by implementing some simple organisational steps in your business.

Here are my 11 top tips for making you and your law firm more organised. These are things I’ve learned over more than 20 years working as a Legal PA and Legal VA and will make a huge difference to your law firm if you implement them.

1 | Create processes for key tasks…and implement them!

There are some tasks and processes that are part of the client journey for everyone you work with. These are things like client onboarding, client off-boarding and monthly invoicing – including creating and chasing invoices.

By establishing a clear and simple process you can be sure that your clients will get a consistent experience. You’ll also find it easier to delegate tasks when there are clear processes to follow. Just be sure that when you introduce a new process, everyone who needs to know is made aware of it.

I find Clio an essential tool when it comes to establishing law firm processes (more on this later!) – if you want to learn more, check out my Clio Coaching services.

2 | Document your processes

Once you’ve established your new processes, make sure that they are well documented with step-by-step guides that anyone in your law firm could follow. This also goes for any existing processes you use to help organise your law firm – client onboarding, file opening, invoicing, archiving etc.

Process documentation is particularly important if the majority of these tasks rest with one individual like a Legal PA or Legal VA. Just imagine your PA takes a few days off and you need to onboard a new client. A step-by-step process guide will help anyone in your firm to complete the task in their absence.

3 | Implement a clear folder structure

One of the core principles of good law firm organisation is having an effective folder structure. Again, you’ll want to make sure that your structure is clear and easy to follow and accompanied by documentation.

I like to create files at client level and files at matter level. So the client level might contain KYC / AML. Whilst at the matter level you’ll find Documents / Signed & Executed Documents / Companies House / Drafts etc.

You’ll be amazed how much time you’ll save when you follow a consistent system and important documents are easier to locate.

4 | Follow a consistent naming convention for files and documents

Good filing begins with a good naming convention! Ensuring all documents are labelled correctly really does keep the matter folders tidy. A typical naming convention might look like: [NAME OF DOCUMENT – [PARTIES] – [DATE].

This can really help if you use a search function like Windows Explorer or Mac Spotlight Search to locate documents.

5 | Use a CRM system like Clio

As an experienced Legal VA, Clio has become one of my favourite tools for helping to organise law firms. So much so, that last year I became an Official Affiliate Partner of Clio. I now work with law firms to introduce them to Clio and how it could help them with customer relationship management (CRM).

With Clio, it’s easy to keep everything organised under one roof. You can use Clio to help with a huge range of law firm organisational tasks including client intake, issuing, tracking and chasing invoices, document management, appointment bookings, querying and reporting on WIP and much more. You can also create task lists linked to matters so nothing gets missed.

If you’re new to Clio, check out my recent Clio blog series, starting with 7 Benefits of Using Clio for Your Law Firm. I also offer a free 30-minute call to any lawyers interested in finding out more about using Clio. To book a free consultation, please get in touch.

6 | Use tools and technology to help organise your law firm

If you’re struggling with organisation or implementing more efficient ways of working, there’s a good chance you’re not the first. You’ll probably find that someone has already invented a tool to help.

We’ve all seen in the last few years how invaluable video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams have been for collaboration. But are you aware of other collaboration tools like Slack or Asana? These can be great for collaborating on projects and assigning tasks.

I use Asana to easily plan and track work projects across my team of legal associates. I can assign tasks, set deadlines and mark off completed milestones. If you’re new to Asana, I offer an online Asana Power Hour training session, which covers everything you need to get started using this fantastic tool.

7 | Make sure you’re working with your assistant in the best way

Whether you have an assistant who works virtually or they are based with you in the office, make sure you use them. So many people I meet don’t fully utilise their assistant’s time. Perhaps they don’t think they have the time to explain tasks they’d like to delegate or are unfamiliar with working with an assistant.

If this sounds like you then get started by writing down (1) the tasks you don’t like doing (2) the tasks you shouldn’t be doing and (3) the tasks you don’t know how to do. For more tips, check out my blog post – 10 Hacks for Getting the most out of your Virtual Assistant.

8 | Create a bank of master templates and precedents

Template the documents you use over and over again. From client care letters to contracts and pleadings, document templates are a must for law firms who are looking to get better organised. Templates save you so much time but still provide you with the flexibility to tailor the document to your client’s circumstances.

Make sure templates are stored centrally so everyone can access them and that they are logically organised and named (using the methods in points 3 and 4). When a template is updated, ensure the date is also updated and out-of-date versions are removed.

9 | Try out some time management techniques

One of the things I hear most as a Legal VA is that my clients wish they had more time. Well, whilst I can’t create time, I can certainly help you to get more out of the time you do have with some simple time management tips.

I find time blocking a really valuable way of increasing my productivity and it’s one of the key steps I’ll be following to achieve my 2022 goals (check out my 2022 goals blog post for more detail). Time blocking means setting clear chunks of time aside for tasks you need to complete like reviewing documents, drafting documents and preparing case notes.

By blocking time out you can be more focused on the task in hand and get it completed much quicker than if you have to keep stopping and starting your work to deal with other matters. Once you get started you’ll soon see the benefits. And if you get on well with time blocking, then check out these other great time management tips.

10 | ALWAYS close finished matters

I think we’re all guilty at times of moving straight on to the next job before fully finishing the one before. But fully closing down a matter is an essential element of law firm organisation.

As soon as a matter is finalised, documents and emails should be filed away, any outstanding invoices should be chased and paid and then the matter can be closed. Not only does this help keep things better organised but you’ll also feel more satisfied knowing the matter is fully closed.

11 | Compile an operations manual and make sure it’s used

My final tip covers elements of all the ones before and you won’t be surprised to learn it’s got a strong theme of documentation and organisation to it! An operations manual is an essential document for every law firm in my view.

An operations manual includes everything from company information, an organisational chart, firm opening hours, policies and key processes. You can share the manual with new starters to help introduce them to the business. It’s also the go-to document for all employees when they need to know how something works or they are looking for guidance and information.

Get help to organise your law firm from an experienced Legal VA

If you can implement some (or even better all!) of these steps you should find they make a huge difference in organising your law firm. However, if the thought of trying to implement all these positive changes leaves you feeling overwhelmed and unsure how you’d find the time, then I can help.

I work with law firms of all sizes to streamline their processes, help with organisation and also take care of admin, business support and paralegal tasks. Read more about my legal support services, or contact me to discover how I could help you.


⚖️ Experienced Legal PA | Supporting lawyers with business admin & beyond | Also specialising in Medical, Finance & Property virtual support | Let us help you to expand & grow 🌱

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