Seven Legal Case Study

By Bill Cogan, Founding Partner

Seven Legal

Please could give a quick overview of your company?

We are a legal consultancy specialising in high-growth tech start-ups. We do funding rounds and then we stay on and help companies scale. Commercial contracts, employment agreements, EMI schemes, data protection, corporate, commercial and employment is what we concentrate on for fast-growth companies.

"Kellie’s been pretty integral to the growth of our business."

Where were you in your business before you started working with Kellie Simpson Ltd?

I had just started in March 2020, and it was just me at that stage. Kellie then came on board. In our first month, we were only meant to do 10 hours and I think she ended up doing close to 60. She’s been pretty integral to the growth of our business. We have since grown to a team of about 25 across 9 countries at the last count. We have been working through some fairly good levels of growth and she’s really been a huge assistance, an amazing source of support and a great ally in growing the business.

What challenges or problems necessitated a change?

Fundamentally when you are running a business, you need to be giving yourself as much bandwidth as possible. Anything that you can get off your plate and have trust in someone to take on tasks, run with them independently and then come back and say ‘this is done’ or ‘I need your input on this’, it’s of critical importance.

What were the major pain points of your process prior to using our service?

Not moving as quickly as I felt we could do, or that I wanted to. Every task became almost a full-day task. Whereas if you have an expanded team who are good at executing you can obviously move a lot quicker which has been great.

What were you looking for in a solution?

I didn’t really know. I was looking for a bit of extra support, an extra set of hands to take stuff off my plate. What I was really interested in was also developing processes within the business. Kellie has been fantastic at designing, implementing, executing on and outsourcing. All of those things came out over time really.

By using our service, can you measure any improvements in productivity or time savings?

When I look at the hours that Kellie and her team complete every month, I couldn’t have done all that. And if I did, it would take me away from revenue generating or billing, all the other parts of the business I am stronger on and need to be spending my time on.

"My day is freed up so much from a fairly significant amount of work which gives me that bandwidth and opportunity to drive things forward. "

What’s been the biggest impact/advantage in using our service?

Giving me the bandwidth to go and run the business and be able to sit back and think strategically about things. My day is freed up so much from a fairly significant amount of work which gives me that bandwidth and opportunity to drive things forward.


Bill Cogan, Founding Partner, Seven Legal

"We’ve had a great experience, we would recommend the business to anyone else."

Would you say that the investment in the services has been worthwhile so far?

Yes, 100%.

Would you recommend the services to a colleague or a client?

Absolutely, and I think I have done so on a number of occasions.

has the investment been worthwhile?


would you recommend us?



Why do you do business with us?

Fundamentally it’s the relationship with Kellie in the first instance. She’s shown an ability to go and recruit other team members who have since come in and gotten involved in our business and who have been consistently great. That recruitment piece is incredibly important and isn’t something to be taken lightly. It’s having that leverage to tap into as and when needed, which is fantastic.

We’ve had a great experience, we would recommend the business to anyone else and look forward to seeing you grow.

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