Having the support of a good quality assistant is paramount to the ongoing success and growth of your business but why do so many people find outsourcing so terrifying? It’s time to fight the fear and let go – It’s time to outsource.
When it comes to outsourcing, a lot of business owners want to, but never really know WHAT to outsource. There is also the added headache of finding the right person to outsource to.
Finding the right assistant can sometimes be the stumbling block that stops people actually hiring one OR, like I found out last week when I had a call with a client, you hire one and it doesn’t work out.
To stop that happening to you, I’ve put together a 4 part blog series this month which is going to help you hire a Virtual Assistant and get it right the FIRST time.
So let’s go.
Outsourcing has become huge over the past few years as more and more businesses, big and small, start sending certain job functions and tasks to experts outside of their company/business.
But how can you make outsourcing work for your business?
Firstly you need to identify the sort of person you need to hire, whether that’s a VA, web designer, graphic designer, branding expert, accountant, bookkeeper etc.
In order to identify that person and their skill set, your first step is to identify the tasks you can outsource. To help with this, I’ve created an outsourcing exercise worksheet which forms part of my e-book “A business owners step by step guide to hiring a virtual assistant” so please do download.

- Print a copy ready for Monday morning and keep this handy on your desk.
- As you complete tasks throughout the day add these into the following 4 boxes.
Tasks you love doing
These tasks will stay with you, you enjoy them so why outsource, they won’t feel like a chore to you and you’re more likely to complete them.
Tasks you don’t like doing
What tasks do you always leave until last simply because you don’t enjoy doing them?
Tasks you don’t know how to do
These might include website updates or creating a newsletter. It’s always best to outsource these types of tasks and leave to the experts (who will also complete it in half the time you would).
Tasks you shouldn’t be doing
Is there a task you do weekly that takes up half a day of your time that you know someone else could easily do? Add it to the list.
Once you have all your tasks written down (Friday afternoon), you are ready to identify what skills and qualities are needed from a Virtual Assistant to get these tasks completed. I will be back next week with Part 2 but if you can’t wait until then and want to continue with the exercises, please download the complete workbook here.
Are you ready to fight the fear and actually start the process of hiring a Virtual Assistant? Great, you’re in right place!
See you next week!
Kellie x