The Blog


Woman sat drinking tea looking at laptop

Why I decided to become a Virtual Assistant

Can you believe it’s 2 years ago this week that I set up my Virtual Assistant business 😀 It’s crazy how time flies when you’re having fun and I can honestly say that it has been fun, I’ve loved every minute of running my own business and thought I’d do a post on why I…

girl sat at computer using tracker pad

What is Asana and how does it work?

Asana.  It’s a word that is popping up more often these days as more business owners look for a solution to organise and track their projects and tasks.   But what is Asana and how does it work? The definition of Asana is “a posture adopted in performing hatha yoga.”  However, the Asana I’m talking…

Kellie sat on computer working on Asana

5 amazing project ideas for Asana

Asana is without doubt one of the best tools I use in my business as a Virtual Assistant.  With various clients to look after plus my own business activities to plan and meetings and appointments to stick to, I love how Asana helps to keep me organised.  I want to show you 5 amazing project…

Case Study

Case Study #1 | A Legal Director working on and in the business. It’s time to hire a Legal PA

My client is a Legal Director and set up his company 2 years ago.  He’s spent those 2 years building up his business to a point where he can no longer do everything by himself.  He knew he needed some support and that a Legal PA was the answer. My client typed Legal PA into…

Desk with highlighter pens, coaster, keyboard and Mug

How to get super organised with colour coding 🗂⁣

One of the easiest ways to add structure and organisation to your workspace, files and tasks is to use a colour coding system. Using colour as an organisational tool is one of the most effective ways to save time and be more productive. ⁣ ⁣According to neuroscientists our brains are hardwired to process colour before…

man and woman sat at a table chatting.

PART 4 |10 awesome questions you need to ask a Virtual Assistant before hiring

Woman sitting at desk writing in a note pad.

PART 3 | Hiring a Virtual Assistant: How to write a compelling Job Description

Hiring the right Virtual Assistant begins with firstly, identifying the tasks you want to outsource (Part 1 – read here) and secondly, what skills and qualities compliment those tasks (Part 2 – read here).  Next up, it’s time to write the perfect job description so that you can attract some perfect fitting candidates.   Trust me,…

Virtual Assistant holding a pen writing in a notebook

PART 2 | Hiring a Virtual Assistant: How to find the right skills & qualities

Welcome to part 2 of my 4 part blog series on Hiring a Virtual Assistant and getting it right the first time.  Today we’re talking about how to find the right skills and qualities.  Last week you did an outsourcing exercise to identify the tasks you can outsource – read here.    Now that you…

Woman sat at table on laptop

PART 1 | Fight the fear and let go: It’s time to outsource

Kellie on lap top working virtually

Why you might want to keep your business virtual

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.22″][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.27.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] If over the past few weeks you have taken all or parts of your business online because of the coronavirus, are you thinking of keeping it that way or will some elements of your business go back…

Virtual Diary Management

Virtual diary management – how does it work?

Diary management is one of my favourite services as I love nothing more than taking the stress and headache of arranging meetings away from my clients.   In fact, I recently asked one of my clients:  “How much easier has your life been since you hired a Virtual Assistant to help you manage your diary?” Her…

Kellie Meal Planning in a notebook

How to use Asana to organise and simplify your meal planning

It’s that time of the week again, the dreaded food shop!  But what if I told you I had a solution to make food shopping less stressful?  That solution is meal planning. You’ve probably heard of athletes planning their meals, making sure they have the correct ratio of protein v carbs v vegetables for every…

Book a free 30-minute consultation call

If you’re running at full capacity and could do with more hours in your day then please get in touch – we can discuss the best options for you.