A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant

Kellie's Office - Desk

I’m still met with blank stares when asked what I do for a job. “I’m a Virtual Assistant, or you might be more familiar with the term, Personal Assistant?” The only difference is that I work at home, I’m virtual and businesses outsource their administration tasks to me. “So what sort of things do you…

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A reflection on my first 6 months in business.

Can you believe it, Kellie Simpson Virtual Assistant is already 6 months old and I must say, I’m absolutely loving it.  I’d be lying if I said it had all been a bed of roses but there have definitely been more highs than lows. A reflection on my first six months in business On reflection,…

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Start working with a Virtual Assistant in 5 easy steps

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with work and have too many things to do? You’re leaving the office late or staying up at night to get all your paperwork done, managing financials, on-boarding new clients, following up on leads and that’s before thinking about the numerous emails hitting your inbox. Maybe it’s time to start…

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The importance of making a list.

You might think writing a list is an easy and simple thing to do and the fact is that “YES” it is.  Lists have been around for years and whether it’s a to-do-list, a shopping list, a ‘what to pack for your holiday’ list or even a bucket list they all help us to stay…

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